Blogs and Articals

We enlighten the minds of our clients and spark their creative power to imagine the power of digital through our blogs.

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4 Reasons local governments should be on social media

How can social media help local governments communicate with their constituents in a way that helps improve their community?

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How local governments can gain the trust of the community

What role does digital transformation play in the effort to gain the communities trust?

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How municipal governments can drive local economic development.

Local economies are hanging in the balance, how can municipal governments help drive economic growth in local economies?

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How digital solutions empower government employees

Digital solutions are an important tool for empowering government employees and improving their quality of life at work.

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How to find the perfect digital solution.

What should you consider when shopping for the perfect digital solutions for your local government?

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Blog Series: Local governments in the new digital world

Entry #1: Local governments must transform or get left behind by the new digital world

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How Digital Solutions Improve Permit and License Issuing Processes

How can digital solutions revolutionize how permits and licenses are issued within communities?

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5 Reasons local governments should invest in their constituents

What should you consider when shopping for the perfect digital solutions for your local government?

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Business analyst’s role in digital transformation.

No matter what kind of business you run or what kind of organization you manage, change is going to be inevitable.

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3 ways digital solutions can improve code enforcement in communities.

Digital solutions are a growing trend in the Code Enforcement industry.

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How to introduce digital solutions successfully in local governments.

Important steps to take when implementing digital solutions within local governments and other organizations.

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Why local governments must keep constituent engagement at their center.

Why constituent engagement is so important and how local governments can begin to improve it.

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MuniLogic Mapping Module and GIS Fundamentals:

The idea of a Geographic Information System, or GIS, like the one MuniLogic’s mapping module uses might seem complicated at first glance, but the fundamentals behind GIS are intuitive and underpin a large portion of modern data science.

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How U.S. Local Governments Can Fight Back Against the Growing Threat of Cybercrime:

Imagine waking up to a city in disarray. Public services are inaccessible, residents can't access vital records, and essential communication channels are down. This isn't a scene from a dystopian film; it's the chilling reality

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